thirty years of working with children and books have shown me there
are countless ways books can be shared in the classroom as part of the
curriculum. I’ve also learned that sharing the story behind my
stories can help demystify the writing process for children. Hearing
the stories behind books provides tangible evidence that stories really
do grow out of one’s daily life. For workshop
related materials click: Workshop
Materials |
Arnold LobelTwayne/Macmillan, 1989. |
and Children:
Humpty Dumpty: A Pictorial HistoryGreen Tiger Press, 1981. |
A Knock
at the Door: 35 Ethnic
Storytelling: A Selected Annotated BibliographyWith Ellin Greene. Garland, 1986. |
For young adults: Unlived AffectionsA Charlotte
Zolotow Book/HarperCollins, 1989. |
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